Decommissioning projects in various industries all require a preparatory phase to mitigate risks. Waste management is a significant part of this process and is at the core of Cyclife Group’s expertise.
We work with our clients to prepare the end-of-life of their assets (plants, nuclear power plants, oil platforms, etc.) by providing them with digital tools and tailored services to:
- Validate and optimize their decommissioning scenarios,
- Effectively manage various waste streams associated with decommissioning and dismantling activities,
- Prepare for temporary storage prior to waste treatment,
All while complying with safety and security regulations from authorities.
A range of specific services and tools
Cyclife Digital Solutions specializes in the development of industry-specific digital tools and also offers a wide range of associated services.
We operate various simulation software for our clients to meet their needs.
Our references
CEA, EDF DP2D, Cyclife
Key references
On the Numerical Simulation front:
- Simulation of Chinon A2 heat exchanger dismantling
- Simulation of waste flow from Chooz A nuclear power plant dismantling
- Simulation of waste reconditioning and dosimetric risk study
- Simulation of Creys Malville reactor vessel dismantling
On the 3D BIM Modeling front:
- Fessenheim Reactor Building – 20m floor
- Chooz A cavern
- Fessenheim Nuclear Auxiliary Building (ongoing)