Focus on our DEMplus software

Cyclife Digital Solutions is a software publisher and provider of digital services to enhance the value of its customers’ digital assets.
We have 3 flagship software: MySurvey, a tool for accessing the site directly in the point cloud, DEMplus® for nuclear, a tool for simulating interventions, and ViSu, which lets users immerse themselves on site using virtual reality.
Let’s zoom in on one of them today: DEMplus.
DEMplus is a decision-support tool for simulating operations in industrial and nuclear environments. Based on a 3D model of the study environment, such as the Fessenheim reactor building for pressurizer dismantling, the user can simulate the sequence of operations making up the intervention scenario, and get the results in terms of associated costs, deadlines and planning, waste and dosimetric risk according to the exposure of the operators’ various workstations. Based on these results, the user can optimize his intervention strategy by simulating different scenarios or by trying out an alternative strategy.
DEMplus can be used to assess the interdependence of these four fundamental criteria for any nuclear project. It can also calculate the Derive Air Contamination (DAC), enabling the selection of the best intervention strategy as part of a global ALARA approach.
DEMplus has been designed to share all project data for all players, and offers the possibility of a collaborative approach, which is a major asset for successfully completing large-scale projects and meeting the challenges of the nuclear industry’s digital transition. This means that DEMplus is perfectly suited to the digital tools that major customers want to implement.